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Girls Doing Push Ups



    • Darebee offers​ hundred of free exercise routines, HIIT (High Intesity Interval Training) routines, exercise programs, challenges, running support and more.  A built in timer, mobile friendly and printable versions of everything make it easy to use anywhere and little to no equipment is required.


    • Ryan DeBell is a chiropractor and movement expert.  His style is simple, science based and his programs are well crafted.  His podcast is also a great way to geek out on using your body or if you need inspiration!​


  • Nike Run Club app (Apple store or Google Play)​

    • A great running app that is easy to use and free!  Guided runs for many distances, times, speeds as well as mindfullness runs with Andy Puddicombe's Headspace.  ​There is a free coaching section in which you can train for any distance run and track progress as you improve.

Couple Meditating



    • Sam Harris is an author, neuroscientist and thinker.  His "Waking Up" app walks you through 50 days of meditation, explains why it's important and many other insights.  Hands down the best meditation app I have used.  You can download several days and beginning lessons for free to try it out. Ask us to share a free month with you at your next appointment!



    • Andy Puddicombe has written several books on meditation, given TED talks and regularly produces meditations and help with meditation whether you like to sit, walk, stand or run.  His running meditations are included for free with the Nike Run Club app.  His website offers a great deal of guidance.​



    • JudsonBrewer MD, PhD is the Director of Research and Innovation at the Mindfulness Center and associate professor in psychiatry at the School of Medicine at Brown University, as well as a research affiliate at MIT.  He has three apps to help people change behavior that are based in science and work!  Whether you are trying to deal with anxietychange eating habits, or quit smoking his website is worth exploring.


Wellness Products

Internal Body Wellness:


    • The Environmental Working group has currently evaluated over 70,000 products that are used by people daily.  Because the average person puts up to 12 products on the their skin daily, this can be a major source of toxins that are found in the body.  How good are the products you use for YOU?  Remember, environmental friendly products are not necessarily people friendly...​



    • The Memorial Sloan Kettering​ Cancer Center has really put some effort into their "About Herbs" website and App.  Not only are there pages with general information on most herbs used in supplements, they provide cited studies showing how they work in our bodies, adverse reactions and when not to use them.  Download the App to carry it around with you or explore their website to learn more about what goes in your body.

Pregnancy/Post Partum:


    • The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association offers a number of resources for those looking to understand how chiropractic care can help the pregnant mother, infants, children (and all people). The ICPA certifies chiropractors in the Webster technique for supporting patients through their pregnancies and beyond.​​


    • Exercises, information and more resources for pregnant mothers or those looking to get pregnant.  Whether you are looking to set yourself up for a easy birth, find daily exercises to do during pregnancy or find information about breech or other fetal positions, this is a great place to start​

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